Washington County Civil War Monuments
At its December 14, 2021, meeting, the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to relocate the Civil War monuments to a location to be established on the grounds of the Washington County Government Center building in Stonemill Park for Business and Technology. An ad hoc committee was formed to decide details of the relocation and placement.
Description of Memorials
The memorials are identified in Resolution 2021-32 as:
“[T]he two structures located on the grounds of the Washington County Courthouse at 191 East Main Street in Abingdon, Virginia, to commemorate matters related to the American Civil War (1861-1865), which shall include the following:
- The statue of a Confederate soldier including the stone plinth on which it is standing, which is labeled, “To the Confederate Soldiers of Washington County, Virginia. Erected May 30, 1907”, and including all additional engravings and commemorative plaques that are attached to the plinth; and
- The cenotaph, which is labeled, “A Memorial to the Generals from Washington County who served in the War of 1861-1865” and includes other engraved text regarding such Generals.
The monument that includes a statue of a Confederate Soldier and the plinth upon which it stands has an estimated weight of approximately 24,000 pounds. The smaller monument memorializing Confederate Generals from Washington County has an estimated weight of 6,585 pounds. The dimensions of each memorial are noted on the photographs below.
Photographs of Memorials